What is Hijrah with Respect to Deeds?

Uploaded Jul 7, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Al-Uthaymeen
As for Hijrah with respect to deeds: it is that a man abandons what Allah has forbidden of transgression and disobedience. Just as the Prophet ﷺ said: “The true Muslim is he from whose tongue and hands, other Muslims are safe. And the true emigrant is he who abandons what Allah has forbidden.” Therefore, you must abandon all that which Allah has prohibited you from, whether with respect to the rights of Allah or the rights of Allah’s servants. So, abandon abuse, insult, murder, deception, consumption of other people’s wealth unjustly, disobedience to parents, severing the ties of kinship, and all that which Allah has forbidden. Stay clear from such acts even if your soul invites you to them and persistently persuades you. Remember that Allah - the Mighty and Exalted - has prohibited them so that you abandon and distance yourself from them.