The Relationship Between a Worshipper ('abd) and His Lord

Uploaded Aug 28, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
Allah the Most High does not look at the worshipper's bodies—whether they are big or small, healthy or ill. And He does not look at the forms, whether they are beautiful or ugly. None of this matters with Allah. Likewise, He does not look at the lineages, whether they are high or low in status. He does not look at their wealth—He does not look at any of these things. There is no connection between Allah the Most High and His creation except by Taqwa (piety). So, whoever is more pious is closer to Him and is more noble in the sight of Allah. So, do not be proud of your wealth, beauty, body, children, palaces, car, or anything in this worldly life at all. But if Allah guides you to piety, then this is from the favor of Allah upon you, so praise Allah for it.