Do Innovations Fall Under The Will of Allah?

Uploaded Jul 13, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Baz
One of the students asked the Shaykh: Do innovations not fall under The Will of Allah (i.e., that He forgives them) if they don’t take one outside the fold of Islam? Answer: Those who innovate are threatened with the Hellfire - Allah's refuge is sought - except if they repent. We ask Allah for wellbeing. However, if it (i.e., the innovation) is less than Shirk (disbelief/polytheism), it is hoped that the innovator (will be forgiven). This is because by definition, it falls under sins. However, it doesn't completely fall under the statement of Allah: {But He forgives other than that (i.e., Shirk) for whom He wills.} [An-Nisāʾ (4):116] However, if the innovation is other than Shirk, then it takes the same ruling as sins, in the sense that he doesn't eternally dwell in the Hellfire if he enters it.